
How Hard Should You Train to Build Muscle?
When I started lifting, I noticed that pro bodybuilders routinely pushed themselves to their limits and beyond. I quickly (and naively) assumed this high level of effort must be the reason they wer...

How many sets do you need?
“How many sets should I do to build muscle?”
The answer depends on two factors:
How long you’ve been training
How much time you have to train
“Time” is simple enough. If I told you the best w...

Is Obesity A Choice? (Science Explained)
This is a tough question that you may be inclined to answer without giving it it’s due consideration. Many people seem to think about obesity as if there's an ‘Obese button’ on the left and a ‘Not ...

Junk Volume: Why You Must Avoid It For Max Muscle
It’s a fair assumption that you spend time in the gym hoping that your training investment will pay optimal rewards in the form of gains. Unfortunately, this may not be necessarily true. As in ma...

How Strong Should You Be? (Noob To Freak)
At one time or another, we’ve all likely compared our strength to another lifter. Maybe you’ve wondered if your strength levels are where they “should” be according to your time spent in the gym.

How To Build Muscle (Explained In 5 Levels)
Building muscle is a process that can be learned and achieved fairly easily. To assist you in navigating through that process, in this blog, I’m going to explain how to do it in five levels of incr...

How To Build Muscle And Lose Fat At The Same Time: Step By Step Explained (Body Recomposition)
Pause for a minute and consider this question: How can you build muscle and lose fat at the same time?
A lot of people think the answer is simple. You can’t. You’ve likely heard that if you want to...

Can You Build Muscle In a Calorie Deficit / Lose Fat In a Surplus? (Science Explained)
It’s quite common to hear people say that you simply can’t build muscle unless you’re in a caloric surplus. In this blog, I’ll explain why this isn’t true and like most things, it’s totally context...

The Ugly Truth About Getting Shredded (Science Explained)
As summer approaches, many lifters become preoccupied with getting shredded. Dare I say that some become obsessed with it? Most of us can appreciate a ripped physique, but the lifestyle is often an...