“Jeff’s training programs have completely changed how I look and feel.”
Verified Customer
The Essentials Program
“Using Jeff’s research-based approach to training and nutrition, I was able to achieve an exceptionally fast body recomposition. In less than three months, I had simultaneously burned more fat and built more muscle than I had ever thought possible.”

“I have ACTUALLY ran Upper/Lower, pPL, Fullbody, and even Powerbuilding through Jeff while UTILIZING his Body recomp guide. I cannot Say enough Good things about Jeff’s Work and how much he has changed my life.”

“I used your guide to cut from 220lbs first image to 185lbs second image. Used your FORMULA to create maCros for my body composition. Thanks Jeff tom from Yorkshire England Yes, i incorporated KIWI!!! ←←←←←←←🥝🥝🥝🥝🥝🥝”

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